Package GroundWaterNitrogen for vle-2.0.2

The GroundWaterNitrogen package provide a single model called GroundWaterNitrogen and corresponding configurations in order to facilitate the use of the model.
This simple model is simulating the nitrogen content in groundwater following passive water flow and assuming perfect mixing.

Table of Contents

  1. Package dependencies
  2. Atomic model GroundWaterNitrogen
    1. Configuring a GroundWaterNitrogen Model
      1. Dynamics settings
      2. Parameters settings
      3. Input settings
      4. Output settings
      5. Observation settings
      6. Available configurations
    2. Details

Package dependencies

List of required external packages (with link to distribution when available).

Atomic model GroundWaterNitrogen

The GroundWaterNitrogen model (using extension class DiscreteTimeDyn) estimate the dynamics of Nitrogen stock and concentration in a single groundwater voxel (considered as an homogeneous volume, ie. Perfect mixture hypothesis).

Configuring a GroundWaterNitrogen Model

Dynamics settings

To define the dynamic:

  • library : GroundWaterNitrogen
  • name : GroundWaterNitrogen

Parameters settings

List and information about all possible parameters (name, type, ismandatory, description with default value).

See documentation of DiscreteTimeDyn to get all available extension parameters (for example time_step)

Parameter name Type Is mandatory? Description
PlotArea double [] default:10000 Plot surface area (m2)
GWpixelArea double [] default:10000 Groundwater voxel surface area (m2)
init_value_NStock double [x] initial NStock value at simulation start (kgN)

Input settings

List and information about all possible input ports (name, type, description with units).

for model using extension discrete-time also include sync info

  • airg : Daily flow of irrigation water ( (double) (nosync)
  • lessiv : Daily amount of NO3-N leached at the base of the soil profile ( (double) (nosync)
  • discharge : Daily groundwater discharge flow ( (double) (nosync)
  • GWVol : Water volume in the groundwater voxel (m3) (double) (nosync)

Output settings

List and information about all possible output ports (name, type, description with units).

  • NLeaching : Daily amount of nitrogen leaching to the groundwater voxel ( (double)
  • NDischarge : Daily amount of Nitrogen discharge from the groundwater voxel ( (double)
  • Nconc : Nitrogen concentration in the groundwater voxel (kgN.m-3) (double)
  • concirr : Nitrogen concentration in the irrigation water ( (double)
  • NIrrigation : Nitrogen Stock in the irrigation water ( (double)
  • NStock : Nitrogen Stock in the groundwater voxel (kgN) (double)

Observation settings

List and information about all possible observation ports (name, type, description with units).

  • NLeaching : Daily amount of nitrogen leaching to the groundwater voxel ( (double)
  • NDischarge : Daily amount of Nitrogen discharge from the groundwater voxel ( (double)
  • Nconc : Nitrogen concentration in the groundwater voxel (kgN.m-3) (double)
  • concirr : Nitrogen concentration in the irrigation water ( (double)
  • NIrrigation : Nitrogen Stock in the irrigation water ( (double)
  • NStock : Nitrogen Stock in the groundwater voxel (kgN) (double)

Available configurations

List and information about all configuration metadata files * GroundWaterNitrogen/GroundWaterNitrogen : set all parameters with default values


State variables equations

\(NLeaching(t) = lessiv(t-1) * PlotArea(t) / 10000\)

\(NDischarge(t) = discharge(t-1) * GWpixelArea(t) * Nconc(t-1)\)

\(Nconc(t) = NStock(t-1) / GWVol(t-1)\) ; if GWVol(t-1) > 0

\(Nconc(t) = 0\) ; else

\(concirr(t) = Nconc(t) /(PlotArea(t) /10000) / 10\)

\(NIrrigation(t) = airg(t-1) * (PlotArea(t) / 1000) * Nconc(t)\)

\(NStock(t) = NStock(t-1) + NLeaching(t) - NIrrigation(t) - NDischarge(t)\)