MF1_2 : internal structure of the FarmType model

Water Flows And Compartments

MF1_2 Water Flows And Compartments

Water Balances equations

Generic mass balance equation :
\[ \Delta V = Inputs - Outputs \label{eq:Mass_Balance}\]

MF1_2 whole system

\[V = Plots.SoilWaterContent + Pond.Volume + GroundWater.Volume + FarmIrrigationManager.WaterCycle\_RemainingAmount + Plots.RunOff\]

\[Inputs = Plot.Rain + Pond.Rain\]

\[Outputs = Plot.ETP + Plot.IrrigationLoss + Pond.Evap + Pond.Overflow + GroundWater.Discharge + GroundWater.GW\_Overland\_Flow\]

Plots sub-system

\[V = Plot.SoilWaterContent\]

\[Inputs = Plot.Rain + Plot.Irrigation\]

\[Outputs = Plot.ETP + Plot.RunOff + Plot.Drain + Plot.IrrigationLoss\]

Pond sub-system

\[V = Pond.Volume\]

\[Inputs = Plot.RunOff + Pond.Rain + Pond.Refill\]

\[Outputs = Pond.Evap + Pond.Percolation + Pond.Overflow + Pond.Extraction\]

GroundWater sub-system

\[V = GroundWater.Volume\]

\[Inputs = Plots.Drain + Pond.Percolation\]

\[Outputs = Pump.Extraction + GroundWater.Discharge + GW\_Overland\_Flow\]

FarmIrrigationManager sub-system

\[V = - FarmIrrigationManager.WaterCycle\_RemainingAmount\]

\[Inputs = Pond.Extraction + Pump.Extraction\]

\[Outputs = Plots.Irrigation + Pond.Refill\]

Top level

MF1_2 top level MF1_2 top level (Water only)

Farm level

MF1_2 Farm level MF1_2 Farm level (Water only)

Plot level

MF1_2 Plot level MF1_2 Plot level (Water only)